Thursday, February 25, 2010

Some ingredients that go into my dinners

I try and find the best product for my dinners, most of the veggies come from my garden.

Good old corn fed Sterling beef fillet

Golden beets and striped chiogga beets from the garden


Best ingredients for a good vanilla ice cream

Fresh porcini mushrooms, fesh garbonzo beans and some of those beets in pickle solution

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tokyo Fish Market

This place is a wonderland. It's where I buy all my seafood. I've known the group here for years so when I requests lets say 4 day boat scallops, I get 4 fresh ones on the day they arrive. Can't say enough about this place, just take a look!


Start up

Welp after so many asking if I have a blog I guess I'll start one. I'm gonna try and chronicle my day to day of prepping for the parties that I'm doing. Hopefully everyone can pick up some advice and get stoked on cooking!